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Katie Taylor vs. Chantelle Cameron: Keys to victory for both fighters

Katie Taylor vs. Chantelle Cameron: Keys to victory for both fightersDAZN

Katie Taylor meets Chantelle Cameron this weekend and it’s a fight that can provide a huge boost for the victor.

Here, DAZN looks at strategy for both fighters ahead of what promises to be an incredible undisputed battle. 

Katie Taylor 

Set a quick pace  

One of the biggest assets Taylor has is her stamina and doing the ten-round distance at her usual electric pace shouldn’t be a problem. Against Amanda Serrano last year, Taylor had some tense moments in the middle of the fight but her ability to ride out the storm and maintain a quicker pace than her opponent helped her in the latter stages, and she should be looking to do the same against Cameron. 

Don’t freeze on homecoming  

Taylor is used to big atmospheres and the welcome that greeted her in New York City against Serrano tells us she can handle the big occasions. This fight feels a little different because she’s back home in Ireland and there’s more pressure on her to perform well. Taylor will have the crowd with her from the first bell and she has to make that work in her favour and respond to their passion. 

More focus on defence  

Against Serrano, Taylor was a little easy to catch clean and that almost cost her when she was badly hurt in round five. Taylor recovered well but shots like that may catch up with you in later fights. Cameron will be confident she can hurt Taylor and with the British fighter carrying extra weight, Taylor needs to be smarter with her defence. 

Chantelle Cameron 

Listen to her corner and not the crowd  

There’s likely to be a toxic reception for Cameron as she walks out in Dublin, and it might be a welcome that impacts her performance. Cameron has the wisdom of Jamie Moore in her corner and the ex-fighter will constantly be in her ear forcing her to remain calm and focused. Listening to him throughout the night is her best chance of victory. 

Make a good start  

Taylor’s relentlessness is one of her key weapons and if she builds a lead in the fight then it’s highly unlikely that she slows down as the fight drags on. Cameron has to give Taylor plenty to think about in the fight’s early stages and if it’s the Northampton star who makes the better start, then Taylor may get desperate in the championship rounds. 

Don’t give Taylor any chances to recover  

We’ve seen in fights before, especially Taylor’s battles with Delfine Persoon and Serrano, that Taylor can be caught. The latter had Taylor hanging on desperately but she wasn’t able to sustain her attacks in the following sessions. Taylor’s engine is one of the best about and if Cameron can hurt her then she must pounce and not allow Taylor to grab a second wind. 

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