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Micky Ward names the best fighter he ever faced and it's not Arturo Gatti

Micky Ward names the best fighter he ever faced and it's not Arturo GattiDAZN
Micky Ward had many hard nights in the ring.

Micky Ward and Arturo Gatti shared 30 rounds in the early 2000s as they delivered one of the greatest boxing trilogies of all time.  

Gatti won the series 2-1 but all three fights contained incredible action with 1 and 3 receiving numerous fight of the year accolades in 2002 and the following year. 

As well as facing Gatti three times, Ward also stepped into the ring with a number of high-quality operators.  

In 1998, Ward was defeated by Zab Judah, but he responded well and two years later he scored a memorable win over Shea Neary in London.  

After a lengthy and memorabile career, who does Ward consider his best ever opponent? 

“So tough. I can’t pick between Arturo and Zab. Arturo was fast, punched hard and was good defensively when he wanted to be,” said Ward when speaking to The Ring in 2018.  

“Zab had crazy speed and he could punch. If I had to pick, I’d go Zab because of his speed. Arturo was fast but not as fast as Zab.” 

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