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What is a tight end in the NFL?

What is a tight end in the NFL?Nick Tre. Smith/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
A tight end can be found on the offense of an NFL team.

A tight end (TE) is one of the most versatile players on an NFL offense. 

The TE can serve a number of purposes depending on the play design and can give the quarterback (QB) an outlet if they are struggling to find any obvious receiver targets. 

But what responsibilties does a tight end have in an NFL game? 

What is a tight end in the NFL? 

As previously mentioned, a tight end can be used for different reasons. 

A TE can act as a receiver, ball carrier or an extra blocker. The latter is something which not all offensive positions are allowed to do. 

When it comes to lining up at the line of scrimmage, a TE will usually position themselves in the offensive backfield. However, the TE can line up in a number of areas on the offense whether it as a wide receiver, running back or fullback. 

What are the responsibilites of a tight end? 

Depending on the play being run by the offense, a tight end could have one of three different responsibilities. 

The two main responsibilities are to receive passes from the quarterback and block for a QB on a passing play, or block for running backs on a running play.

The third is a responsibility is one which is rarely seen during games and that is to carry the ball on a running play.