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Four possible ways MJF vs. Adam Cole at AEW All In could end

Four possible ways MJF vs. Adam Cole at AEW All In could endAEW

Today, All Elite Wrestling makes its UK debut - and how.

AEW stage 'All In' live from Wembley Stadium with over 80,000 tickets already spoken for. The main event will see reigning World champion MJF defend against challenger Adam Cole.

When the two first crossed paths at the start of the summer, nobody could have guessed how things would go between the despised titleholder and the beloved contender, who'd returned from a near-career-ending concussion to some of the biggest cheers he's ever heard.

Their budding rivalry was turned into an unlikely friendship by way of a tag team tournament with a blind drawing for duos that cast them together and led to 'Better Than You Bay-Bay' nearly becoming tag team champions in the process.

In the most shocking of events, MJF's newfound fondness for Cole led to him casting aside his usual eagerness to avoid title challengers or make them jump through countless hoops, as he not only granted Cole a championship shot with no questions asked, but announced it would be at the record-breaking show for the company.

Wrestling fans are expecting a twist in the tale at Wembley, and the best thing about the story so far is there are numerous ways it could go, with none more obvious than the others.

Here's a rundown of just some of the possible scenarios.

MJF betrays Adam Cole

This is the most cliched of the possibilities, and thus one of the least popular. So let's get it out of the way.

If MJF suddenly switches back to old habits and laughs at how he fooled everyone, it will undo a lot of what made this storyline great in the first place.

Hopefully, this one doesn't happen, but it could. Alternatively, MJF could also return to being the 'villain', but reluctantly...

MJF and Cole are broken up by outside factors

You may have noticed Cole's former close friends, Roderick Strong and The Kingdom, shadowing the duo at every turn in recent weeks. Strong is adamant that this friendship isn't real, and his involvement in the whole thing has drawn comparisons to the last time a major wrestling event filled England's national stadium.

At WWE Summerslam 1992, Macho Man Randy Savage defended the World title against former nemesis turned respected peer The Ultimate Warrior in a tense showdown between two popular stars, only for Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect to tell everyone for weeks that one of the two had accepted a deal to betray the other and join up with their team.

It was a situation that led to the heroes struggling to get on, and falling for a trap where Flair and Perfect laid them out. Flair dethroned a hurt Savage shortly after SummerSlam.

What if Strong and The Kingdom are able to set up a trap at Wembley that makes MJF think that he was right all along - that he cannot trust anybody?

It'd be a shame if he just went back to his old ways as if nothing happened, but if he felt like he had no choice while Cole and the fans desperately tried to convince him otherwise, that could be great.

Adam Cole betrays MJF

Of course, there have been a lot of hints that it will actually be Cole who 'turns heel' at the show, revealing it all a part of his plan to ensure MJF granted his title match.

This could be good, and presumably Cole would then ally with Strong and The Kingdom once more, with perhaps Kyle O'Reilly also returning soon to make a super-faction to protect the new champ.

MJF, meanwhile, would against all odds have a superb amount of sympathy for someone who was the biggest scumbag on the roster just months ago.

Nobody betrays anyone

And of course, there's a chance that the two have a great match, tease all of the above but ultimately stay together - potentially fighting off Strong and The Kingdom to end the show on a high note, regardless of which one of the two is champion when all is said and done.

It may not be the most spectacular conclusion on the night, but it'd lead to more fun such as 'Double Clothesline!' and 'Kangaroo Kick!'

Don't forget, of course, that they challenge Aussie Open for the ROH tag team titles just hours before their main event match, on the Zero Hour pre-show that starts at 5pm UK time. This match will no doubt ramp up the tensions prior to the PPV beginning proper, before we see the ultimate fate of the 'feel-good bromance of the summer' at the end of the broadcast.

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