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Mixed Martial Arts

Lyman Good reveals he tested positive for COVID-19

Lyman Good reveals he tested positive for COVID-19DAZN
What a whirlwind of a month it has been for the UFC fighter.

Lyman Good was gearing up to fight Belal Muhammad at UFC 249 on April 18, prior to the event being postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, on April 4, Good told that he was withdrawing from the event due to an undisclosed injury.

It turns out that wasn't the truth. During an interview with ESPN on Monday, Good revealed that his testing positive for COVID-19 was the real reason that he withdrew from the event. He also told ESPN that he did disclose the reason to the UFC at the time, although the public thought it was an injury that caused him to bow out.

“Although I said it was due to an injury, it was actually because I had tested positive for COVID-19,” Good said. “As soon as I found out, I let everybody know. It was one of those things where it wasn’t sinking in that it could’ve been that. As fighters, we’re hardwired to train through everything. If we catch a cold or little nagging injuries here or there, we’re trained to just pretty much fight through it. At first I thought it was that. But there was just one day where it was bad. My body wasn’t listening, it wasn’t responding the way it normally does to sparring.”

Good, 34, tried to push through, but he grew weaker and decided to get tested with his live-in girlfriend, Elena Bulgor. Good, Bulgor and one of his coaches tested positive for COVID-19 a few days later. His training partners, including UFC fighter Shane Burgos, all tested negative.

Although Good wasn't hospitalized due to the coronavirus, he definitely felt its wrath, but he told ESPN that he's "100 percent" now and that his test last week came back negative for COVID-19.

He additionally told ESPN that he got tested again in order to donate his antibodies, hoping to help others suffering from the coronavirus.

"Unfortunately, a lot of people aren't surviving this thing," Good said. "I want to take this negative and try to turn it into a positive."

That being said, Good's intention is back on getting in the Octagon as soon as possible. 

The UFC canceled its UFC Lincoln event set for Saturday and UFC Oklahoma City on May 2, but Good could potentially have an opportunity to compete on the May 9 card, which is the new UFC 249. The event (which originally was UFC 250 before 249 was postponed) was slated to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil; however, the coronavirus pandemic dashed that plan, as the UFC has yet to name a location for the card.