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We asked the ChatGPT AI to name the greatest WWE Royal Rumble of all time

We asked the ChatGPT AI to name the greatest WWE Royal Rumble of all timeDAZN

ChatGPT is all the talk at the moment. The AI service has been used for a number of functions, amid suggestions that the use of artificial intelligence will increase in society going forward.

So, considering what's happening this weekend, we asked ChatGPT the big burning question: what is the greatest Royal Rumble of all time?

Here's how the conversation went. It wasn't always factual, and it wasn't always the prevailing opinion amongst most fans. But it was, well, an interesting dialogue.

Full transcript below. User questions are in bold/subheaders, and ChatGPT's responses are non-bold.

What is a Royal Rumble?

A Royal Rumble is a professional wrestling event, produced annually by WWE. It is a battle royal-style match featuring a large number of wrestlers, in which wrestlers are eliminated by being thrown over the top rope and out of the ring. The last wrestler remaining is declared the winner. The event is typically held in January and is one of WWE's "big four" pay-per-view events, along with WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series.

What is the best Royal Rumble of all time?

The "best" Royal Rumble of all time is a matter of personal opinion and can vary depending on one's criteria for determining the "best" event. Some people might consider the Royal Rumble with the most exciting finishes, while others might consider the event with the most memorable moments or the most star-studded lineup of wrestlers. Some notable Royal Rumbles that are often mentioned as being among the best include the 1992 Royal Rumble, which featured the debut of Ric Flair, the 2002 Royal Rumble, which featured the return of Hulk Hogan, and the 2018 Royal Rumble, which featured the surprise return of Rey Mysterio.

Hulk Hogan did not return at the 2002 Royal Rumble. He returned at the following pay per view event from WWE, No Way Out 2002.

You are correct, I apologize for the mistake. Hulk Hogan did not return at the 2002 Royal Rumble, but at the following pay per view event, No Way Out 2002. My apologies for any confusion caused.

That's okay. Tell me more about the 1992 Royal Rumble. My friends certainly believe it is the best Rumble of all time.

The 1992 Royal Rumble is often considered one of the best Rumbles of all time for several reasons. One major reason is the debut of Ric Flair, who entered the Rumble as the #3 entrant and went on to win the event, last eliminating Sid Justice. This was a huge surprise as it was Flair's first time in the WWE, making the win even more special.

Another reason is the star power in the match, featuring wrestlers such as Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, The Undertaker, The Mountie, and many more.

The 1992 Royal Rumble also had a highly dramatic ending, as Hogan and Flair were the final two wrestlers in the ring, with Flair eliminating Hogan to win the match. This added to the significance of the event, as Hogan was at the time one of the biggest stars in wrestling and his elimination by Flair helped establish Flair as a major player in the WWE.

Additionally, the match had a good mix of storylines, rivalries and the surprise return of wrestlers like Roddy Piper and The Mountie. All this elements together made it a memorable event for the fans.

It was Ric Flair's first Rumble but not his WWE debut. That happened months before the Royal Rumble. Is that what you meant?

I apologize for the confusion, you are correct that Ric Flair's Royal Rumble debut in 1992 was not his WWE debut. He had made his WWE debut several months prior to that, in 1991. My apologies for any confusion caused by my previous statement. The 1992 Royal Rumble was still a significant event for Flair, as it was his first time competing in the Royal Rumble match and his winning the event helped establish him as a major player in the WWE.

Absolutely. And what other significance did Flair's victory have? My friends say he was the first wrestler to win it after entering very early on.

Yes, that's correct. With Flair entering the match as the #3 entrant and going on to win it, he became the first wrestler to win the Royal Rumble after entering the match early on. This was a significant achievement as it demonstrated that a wrestler didn't have to enter the match later in order to win, and it also added an element of unpredictability to the match, as fans couldn't be sure who would win the Rumble until the very end.

Flair's win at the 1992 Royal Rumble also had a significant impact on his career in the WWE, as it helped establish him as a top tier competitor and solidified him as a main eventer in the company, which led to him winning the WWE Heavyweight Championship later that year.

Additionally, the way he won the match, eliminating Hogan, was a huge moment as well, as it helped solidify him as a top heel, and his confrontation with Hogan after the match was a big moment for WWE in that year.

Actually, Sid Justice eliminated Hogan, with Flair then eliminating Justice to win the whole match. The interactions between Justice and Hogan were quite significant and controversial, leading to a match at WrestleMania 8.

I apologize, you are correct that Sid Justice eliminated Hulk Hogan in the 1992 Royal Rumble match and Flair eliminated Justice to win the match. My apologies for any confusion caused by my previous statement. The interactions between Justice and Hogan were indeed significant and controversial and led to a match at WrestleMania 8 where Hogan defeated Justice.

Flair's victory at the 1992 Royal Rumble was still a significant moment in his career, as it established him as a top tier competitor and solidified him as a main eventer in the company, which led to him winning the WWE Heavyweight Championship later that year. And yes, his confrontation with Hogan after the match was a big moment for WWE in that year, which added to the significance of the event.

No problem. I hope I am able to help with my corrections.

Absolutely, I appreciate your corrections and feedback, it helps me improve and provide more accurate information. I apologize again for any confusion caused by my previous statements. Thank you for bringing attention to these inaccuracies.

One more question about the Royal Rumble 1992: What was Bobby Heenan's significance to the event and its standing as an all-time great wrestling match?

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was a well-known manager and commentator in the WWE during the 1990s, and his involvement in the 1992 Royal Rumble match added an extra layer of entertainment to the event. Heenan was the manager of several wrestlers who competed in the match, including Ric Flair, and his interactions with them added an extra dimension to the match. Heenan's commentary on the match also added to the excitement and drama of the event, as he was known for his energetic and charismatic style, and his ability to add humor to the proceedings.

Heenan's involvement in the match, specially with Ric Flair, added a lot of depth to the match, as Heenan was a master of manipulating the audience and making the match more interesting. Heenan's presence helped establish the match as one of the all-time great Rumbles and his commentary helped to make the match more exciting.

Additionally, Heenan's involvement in the match added to the storyline of the match, as he was constantly trying to help his wrestlers win the match and his reactions to the events in the match helped to build the tension and drama. His role as a commentator and manager helped make the match more engaging and memorable for the fans, which is one of the reasons why it is considered one of the best Royal Rumbles of all time.

Bobby Heenan says Roddy Piper wears a skirt, not a kilt. Is this true?

Bobby Heenan did make a comment along those lines in reference to Roddy Piper's kilt. However, it should be noted that a kilt is a traditional men's garment from Scotland and is not considered to be a skirt. The comment was made in a playful and ribbing way, and it was a part of the banter between the wrestlers and commentators during the time. Heenan and Piper had a friendly rivalry, and it was not unusual for them to make playful jabs at each other in that way.

Thank you for all your help today, ChatGPT. Are you looking forward to the next Royal Rumble, which takes place tomorrow?

I'm glad I could help you today! As a language model AI, I don't have the ability to look forward to any event, but I can provide you with information and answer any questions you might have about the upcoming Royal Rumble event or any other wrestling event. If you have any more questions just let me know.