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Logan Paul on not getting paid in full for Floyd Mayweather Jr. exhibition: 'I just want my money'

Logan Paul on not getting paid in full for Floyd Mayweather Jr. exhibition: 'I just want my money'DAZN
Logan Paul is ready to move on.

Logan Paul lived out a dream in June when he boxed all-time great Floyd Mayweather Jr. in an eight-round exhibition. The 26-year-old performed better than expected in going the distance with the former pound-for-pound great.

A couple of weeks ago, Paul released a statement explaining he hadn't been paid yet. Paul does want to make one thing clear though. He received payment for showing up to compete but hasn't been fully compensated for his participation. Mayweather retorted on The Pivot Podcast, 'This comes with the territory', and the money from the pay-per-view event takes a while to come in. Paul feels like Mayweather has played him like a puppet, and he isn't happy about it. 

"It's unfortunate because (it’s) Floyd “Money” Mayweather," Paul told DAZN News. "Surely I was gonna get my check. Fairly quickly, right? Ok, but then that didn’t happen. So I'm sure it'll come eventually, right? Then I realized, ‘Ok, I'm being strung along’. This is a classic, ‘Hey, buddy, you're the new guy in this industry. We're gonna puppeteer you however we want with your money. So hop on for the ride and shut up’. But instead of shutting up, I make fun of him on social media and let everyone know that he doesn't have any money."

Paul is devastated and disappointed in what has happened thus far because of the enormous respect he's had for Mayweather. Yet, despite everything going on, Paul tries to keep an open mind on the entire situation.

"I try to see both sides," Paul said. "I kind of joke. I'm facetious, and I point the finger at Floyd. But I don't know if it's his fault. Maybe a little bit, right? But something tells me Floyd doesn't control where the money goes. Or maybe he does, and he's just a f—ing a—. I don't know, and I don't really care. I just want my money, and I never thought I'd be that guy. I don't know. 

"I'm ready to go to the next chapter of my life. There's an opportunity cost with me when I don't have fees that are rightfully mine. I'm an entrepreneur. I'm a businessman. I'm creative with my money. The X millions that he hasn't paid me by now could have tripled, quadrupled. I'm good with money. I can make more of it if I have a little, a lot. So there is an opportunity cost for me, and that's why I'm being vocal about it because it's just been too long. How many opportunities have I missed out on because I haven't had this?"

In his next venture, Paul will be involved at Saturday's Slap Fighting Championship. He won't be competing, but he'll be on the stage for the contests along with action movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

"I was supposed to be involved in a slap-fighting competition," Paul said. "I was supposed to go overseas to participate. Then I realized how crazy this sport is. When I open hand slapped the 350-pound man across the face, knocked him out cold, and decided that the sport is a little too dangerous for me (laughs). I didn't want that to happen to me and then also doing it to someone. I'm confident that I could knock out any single person who's standing still in front of me with my open palm if given the opportunity. But what happens if I don't go first? So I quit. I said, ‘I'm done with this. Y'all do it’.

"I'm still gonna be highly entertained by, and I'll help bring it to America with Arnold, who you know when you're given an opportunity to do a business with Arnold Schwarzenegger, you don't say no, especially when it's something that you have a history with. I history with the sport. I think it's highly entertaining. I think it's something about (that’s) incredibly captivating. I think people are gonna pay attention.

"It's going to be one of the most absurd things you'll ever see in your life. I really do believe that."