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Andretti United secure Arctic X Prix in Greenland

Alexander Netherton
Andretti United secure Arctic X Prix in GreenlandExtreme E
The Andretti team were pushed all the way in a five-car final.

Andretti United Extreme E were the winners at Sunday's Arctic X Prix in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.

Championship leaders Rosberg X Racing provided tough competition in the five-car final on Sunday afternoon but Andretti were able to hold on for victory.

Timmy Hansen and Catie Munnings emerged as the winning pair in a hard-fought race.

Winning driver Hansen, Andretti United Extreme E said: “It feels awesome! It’s been a great afternoon and day! We’ve both had great races today and we had to work really hard for it. Catie [Munnings] did an amazing job both times. We both were involved in very close battles with the Rosberg X Racing car both times, it just feels incredible to be here.

“I think it (the course) was a good change (from yesterday) for the racing coming into today actually, it kept the grid very close and for a long time. So the course was good – it was getting very rutted in the narrow section and I had a couple of moments really on the limit in the Final and then I realised I had to back off a little bit and take it easy but yes it’s been a very fun track especially the second half because there are so many options.

“I’m really proud of Extreme E as a whole and of us coming here together, you know we are in the middle of nowhere in Greenland. Kangerlussuaq has I think 500 people living here and we arrived and everyone is doing their part. Pulling this massive event together is an incredible achievement and I think we are all the winners today.

“It’s the third race in a row where Kevin [Hansen] and I are on the podium, two times World Rallycross Championship and now Extreme E – that’s crazy!”

Munnings of Andretti United Extreme E said: “I have literally no words for it. At the start of the weekend in Qualifying 1 we thought we’ll just go with it and see but we never imagined we’d come out on top so it’s a really special feeling. Timmy is a really incredible teammate, I learn so much from him, he’s such a good driver and obviously he always pulls it out of the bag so it’s really cool to be working alongside him.

“I loved the challenge of this course. I think it was really different to what we’ve seen before and a new challenge for the car as well. I think what was interesting was that it literally changed every time you saw it. Every car would chuck out massive rocks and so your line might not be there so it was a very spontaneous style of driving and I also found it very hard to judge what the correct speed was, you have to think a lot more especially if you’re the first driver. Credit to Sarrazin as well for sending it across the big rocks in the Semi-Final – I think that was one of my key moments of the weekend. Fair play, if that had been pulled off that would have been incredible.

“It’s the first motorsport event to come to Greenland so yeah it’s incredible that it’s at this level but I’m also really proud of how far we’ve come as a team especially from Senegal where we didn’t have a brilliant result so to come back now, it gives us a really good feeling going into the Island X Prix.”

Hansen was at the heart of the victory as the fastest driver on the course, earning his team and extra five points.

Sebastian Loeb in the X44 had been pushing hard early on against Munnings, but a puncture in his right rear tyre meant extensive repairs held him back, and Hansen and Munnings were able to push through for the win.

Final Result

  • Andretti United Extreme E (Timmy Hansen / Catie Munnings) 2 laps
  • JBXE (Kevin Hansen / Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky) +4.159s
  • ACCIONA | Sainz XE Team (Carlos Sainz Snr. / Laia Sanz) +22.866s
  • X44 (Sébastien Loeb / Cristina Gutiérrez) +27.914s
  • Rosberg X Racing (Johan Kristoffersson / Molly Taylor) +1:01.005s