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WWE Hall of Famer questions inspiration behind Taylor Swift's Super Bowl celebration

Ash Rose
WWE Hall of Famer questions inspiration behind Taylor Swift's Super Bowl celebrationEthan Miller/Getty Images
The singer struck a familiar pose during Kansas City Chiefs win

There were wild celebrations all over Las Vegas on Sunday as the Kansas City Chiefs retained their Super Bowl crown with victory over the San Francisco 49ners. 

Centre of the celebrations was singer Taylor Swift, who watched on as her boyfriend Travis Kelce played his part in the win. Swift and Kelce were seen embracing on the pitch in the post-match merriment, but it was Swift's earlier celebrations that got one WWE Hall of Famer posting on social media. 

Swift was caught celebrating by posing with one finger pointing in the air, a stance not too dissimilar to the pose Stratus used as part of her entrance. The 48-year-old noticed the similarity and posted the two images side-by-side on her X account. 

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Wrestling fans were also keen to point out Swift's pose was strikingly similar to when Roman Reigns and The Bloodline throw their own 'ones' in the air. 


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