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WWE Superstar picks his ultimate football XI from the locker room

Ash Rose
WWE Superstar picks his ultimate football XI from the locker roomDAZN
Which WWE stars have made the team?

WWE this week announced a clever link-up with Manchester City to produce a selection of WWE-themed t-shirts for the football club, combining the best of both worlds. 

There was a lot to say on social media about the new partnership, particularly from football fans of rival clubs, but one WWE Superstar took to it the next level by compiling his ultimate WWE XI, made up of the current roster. 

Aided by fans, SmackDown co-announcer and former Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett put together perhaps the strongest eleven ever put together, with a heavy slant on the company's European roster members. 

In goal, Barrett had Austrian brute Gunther in front of a back three that would send strikers running for cover. He combined WWE's Irish and British stars by picking himself alongside Sheamus and Drew McIntyre. 

Then, on the wings, the team was given some speed with the addition of NXT's Axiom—who Barrett claimed once was on the books of Real Madrid—and Nathan Fraser. Meanwhile, Jaida Parker was given the midfield anchoring role. 

As for the attack, former friends turned foes Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci were put with JD McDonagh to play just behind the team's lone frontman, Santos Escobar. However, there was no place for Finn Balor, known as a big Tottenham fan. 

On revealing his time on his feed, Barrett said: "First draft of the line-up. A heavy European bias from the selectors has left the US-based media up in arms. Questions have been raised about Vinci & Kaiser’s ability to play alongside one another. @FinnBalor is reportedly furious at being overlooked after an outstanding season at club level.  'These were difficult decisions, and the door isn’t closed' according to the Manager." 


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