・Unable to cancel subscription
If you still cannot cancel the subscription, Please send us an e-mail by following steps.
1. Please access the DAZN Help page, where you will find the “Start Chat” button on the bottom right-hand corner of the page
2. Please initiate the Chatbot by selecting the “Start Chat” button
3. Please type in “Talk to an agent” within the message box provided, after the Chatbot “Main Menu” is displayed
4. If you are successfully able to connect and chat directly with a Customer Service agent, please inform them of your desires to cancel your subscription
5. In case you are not successful, the Chatbot will guide you to send your inquiry via email by asking you to type your inquiry within the message box that it will provide.
6. After you have typed in your inquiry,please select the “send message” button and type in your desired email address contact information accordingly
7. For "Describe your issue", Please fill in bellow items and press "SEND".
・Registered Name
・Registered Email address
・Registered last four digits number of your credit card
If you recieve nothing from us over 24h, Please access below URL page.
"If you cannot recieve reply from us,"
If you still do not recieve any, please contact us by free mail address(yahoo, gmail or etc).