What is the pin code?

The pin code is a 6-digit code (number) that is required for DAZN for docomo users to link the d-account to TV devices.
To enjoy DAZN on your TV, you will need to enter the pin code from your smartphone, tablet, or PC and link your d-account to a smart TV, Game console or Digital media player. 

■How to sign in with your d-account (using the pin code)

1. Open the DAZN app, select "Sign in", and then "DAZN for docomo".
What is the pin code-en.jpg

What is the pin code-en2.jpg

2. Go to [https://www.dazn.com/tv] and you will be redirected to the pin code entry screen.

3. A 6-digit pin code will be displayed on the DAZN app (middle of the screen). 
 Please enter the pin code using half-width numbers. 
※The pin code is valid for 5 minutes.

< Pin code entry screen for PC>

< Pin code entry screen for smartphone and tablet>

4. Sign in with the email address and password you registered in your d-account.
You will be redirected to the watching screen and enjoy watching DAZN!

※ English page is not available on the d-account sign in page.



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